You are here: Legacy Disaster Recovery > Disaster recovery from vault

Disaster recovery from vault

1 Log in to the system where the backups are vaulted. (By default, username is root and password is unitrends1)
2 Select the appropriate vault in the Navigation pane.
3 Click Settings > Vaulting > System Restore.
4 Select the backup system from the drop-down list. This is the name of the system being restored.
5 Enter the IP address of the target system. This is the location to which the vaulted backups will be restored. If this is the original system, the default IP address that appears in this field should be used. If restoring to an alternate system, enter the new IP address.

Note:  If alternate storage is configured on the target, management privileges should be granted to the vault.

6 If restoring to a virtual system or alternate storage, click Select Target Storage. Answer Yes to the question Do you wish to get the list of devices defined on the new system? The option to select the device for each client will be shown adjacent to the client.
7 In the Select Clients table, select the client(s) and the devices to which those clients will be restored.
8 Once the Disaster Recovery confirmation window opens, confirm the operation by placing a check-mark by the statement, I understand the database and hosts file will be overwritten, and all existing backups on all devices will be deleted, and click Confirm.
9 If encryption was enabled on the original system you will be prompted to turn on encryption on the target system. For this, open the Administrator Interface of the target system in a new browser window. Click Settings > System Monitoring > Encryption. Turn off encryption and restart it. You are required to enter your master passkey to enable encryption.
10 To check the status of the restore, select the vault again in the Navigation pane click Settings > System Monitoring > Jobs.
11 Details from the latest recovery operation for each system recovered from the vault can be viewed in the Disaster Recovery log found in the General Support Toolbox.