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Overview of the archiving process

The archiving process begins with successful backups. When you perform an archive job, you select a date range or enter a custom date for the backups you would like to archive. You then select the clients and backup types to archive. If you select differential or incremental backup types, full backups are automatically selected because the full backup with which differentials and incrementals are associated must be present on the archive media in order for you to restore your data. For details about backup types and backup groups, see the chapter Backups Overview.

As your appliance runs archive jobs and uses space on your media, you must determine a media management strategy that works best for you. It will likely include a combination of storing the media offsite, acquiring new media, and rotating and reusing existing media by deleting older archive sets. You can delete these sets automatically by archiving with the purge and overwrite options. For details, see Managing space on archive media.

If you need to restore the archived data, you must first restore from the archive media to the Unitrends appliance. You can then restore the data from the appliance to a registered client. For details, see Archive restore.