You are here: Replication > Configuring replication after the initial setup > Seeding the initial data set

Seeding the initial data set

For large data sets, it is recommended that you seed the initial data set to the target using removable media (disk or NAS). This is optional, but greatly reduces the time required to transfer the first backups to the system. Rather than letting the replication process do this initial transfer, use a seeding mechanism.

To seed the initial data set

Perform these steps on the source system.

Note:  If cross-replicating, perform this procedure on each replicating system.

1 Suspend replication by selecting Replication > Replication Attributes > Connection Options and process Control > Suspend Replication.
2 Disable archive schedules for the duration of the seed operation.
Select Archive > Schedule Archive.
Select a schedule and click Enable/Disable below. Repeat to disable each schedule.
3 Proceed to the RapidSeed for Replicating Systems document for seed instructions.