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Virtual restores for Windows instant recovery

Once a virtual failover client (VFC) is created, the most recent backup group is restored to it (see Backup groups). As new backups for the original client complete, the VFC is continually updated with virtual restores of these backups. No restores are performed while a VFC is in audit mode. Any backups that complete while a VFC is in audit mode are restored to the VFC when it is taken out of audit mode. You can view recently completed and pending restores using the instructions described in Viewing restores for virtual failover clients. To view older restores, login to the appliance managing the VFC and select Reports > Windows Virtual Restores Report.

Virtual restores are enabled by default when you create the VFC. If you need to temporarily disable restores to free system resources, you can do so using the instructions described in Modifying a virtual failover client. Backups for the client that complete while restores are disabled remain in the restore queue. They are restored to the VFC when restores are enabled again.