Creating backup jobs
Use these procedures to manually create backup jobs.
These procedures assume that you have added to the appliance each asset you wish to protect. For details on adding assets, see these topics: Managing protected assets and Protecting SQL clusters and availability groups (provides instructions for adding assets to protect clustered SQL environments).
Unitrends also recommends that you review the following information to develop the best protection strategy for your environment: Preparing for backups and About creating backup and backup copy jobs.
See the following topics to create backup jobs:
● For Windows, Linux, VMware, Hyper-V, and AHV assets, you can create SLA policies instead of creating individual backups jobs. For details on how SLA policies work, see Methods for scheduling jobs.
● iSeries backup jobs are not created in the UI. The procedures in this topic do not apply to iSeries. To create an iSeries backup job, see iSeries Backups Overview and Procedures.
Any physical machine, virtual machine, or application you add to the appliance is an asset you can select to include in the jobs you create. When creating a backup job, you first select the type of asset you want to protect:
The inventory tree is filtered to display assets of the type you selected.
You can then select assets to include in the job. To select an asset, click on its check box. In some cases, you must expand nodes in the tree to view the asset you want to select. Assets display in the Inventory tree as follows:
Backup type |
Description |
File Level |
Each file-level asset displays as a top-level node under its backup appliance. File-level assets include all physical machines (other than iSeries servers) and any virtual machine that is protected by installing a Unitrends agent and running file-level backups. |
Image Level (Windows only) |
Each Windows file-level asset displays as a top-level node under its backup appliance. Expand the Windows asset to select its image-level sub-node. |
Host Level |
Select one of the following in the What do you want to backup list: VMware, Hyper-V, XenServer, or Nutanix AHV. Each virtual host displays as a top-level node under its backup appliance. Each VM displays as a sub-node under its virtual host or under its Hyper-V instance. Select individual VMs or select a host to protect all of its VMs. VMware example: Hyper-V example: |
Application backups |
Select one of the following in the What do you want to backup list: Exchange, Oracle, SQL, SharePoint, Cisco UCS, or NDMP. Each application displays as a sub-node under its host server asset. Instances and individual databases display under their application node. |
NAS backups |
Each NAS asset displays as a top-level node under its backup appliance. |
Use these procedures to create backup jobs:
NOTE A file-level asset can be assigned to one or more manually created backup schedules and/or to one SLA policy. (SLA policies are supported for these file-level assets only: Windows and Linux.)
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select File Level in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, check boxes to select the asset(s) you want to protect. Selected assets display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
4. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new assets box to automatically add newly discovered file-level assets to the schedule.
5. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to apply options, such as data to include or exclude and commands to run pre- and/or post-backup: locate the asset in the list and click Edit, modify settings, then click Save to retain any changes.
File-level setting |
Description |
General considerations for including or excluding data from an asset's backups |
Review the following before specifying data to include or exclude: ● When creating a schedule, any inclusions or exclusions you add are applied to jobs run by that schedule only. Inclusions and exclusions are not applied automatically in other cases. ● Running an on-demand backup of the asset does not automatically apply any inclusions or exclusions specified in the asset's schedule. To run an on-demand backup, do one of the following: ● Create a one-time job that has the same inclusions and exclusions as in the schedule. ● Manually run the schedule (select the schedule under Jobs > Job Manager and click Run). ● Run a one-time Selective backup (so that a new full is not created). ● If you specify both files to include and files to exclude, the inclusion is applied first. Any exclusions are then applied to the subset of included files. |
Inclusion tab |
Click to specify files, folders, or volumes to include in backups of this asset. ● Data that does not meet the criteria you specify here is NOT included in the backup. ● Type in the full path (e.g., C:/Documents) or Browse the asset to specify data to include. (Wildcards are not supported.) ● If you are running a full backup and include files or folders in the system drive (typically C:), do not check the System State box on the Advanced tab. Full backups fail if system state is excluded. ● Run a new full backup upon creating or modifying included files. Example: |
Exclusion tab |
Click to specify files, folders, or volumes to exclude from backups of this asset. ● Data that does not meet the criteria you specify here IS included in the backup. ● To specify files to exclude, do any of the following: ● Type in the full path (e.g., C:/Documents). ● Browse the asset. ● Enter a selection pattern. Wildcards are supported for Windows assets. Wildcards are not supported for these asset types: Linux, Unix, and NAS. See these rows below for usage examples: Wildcard * usage, Wildcard ? usage, and Multiple wildcards. ● Run a new full backup upon creating or modifying excluded files. Example: |
An example of how to exclude all files with zero or more characters that match exclusion pattern: *.txt An example of how to exclude directories with zero or more characters and their contents within a specified path that match the exclusion pattern: C:/windows/sys* Limitations: ● *folder_abc cannot be used to exclude all folders that match folder_abc on the protected asset. The full path must be provided. ● If an entire directory is excluded, the directory name will still appear in the backup; however, its contents will be empty. ● Multiple wildcard matches like the following are not supported: C:\*\*\abc.txt |
An example of how to exclude all files within specified path that matches a single character within exclusion pattern: C:/PCBP/Lists.dir/pro_client?.spr An example of how to exclude all directories and their contents within specified path that matches a single character within exclusion pattern: C:/Programfiles/Case?/ Limitation: If an entire directory is excluded, the directory name itself will still appear in the backup; however its contents will be empty. |
An example that uses multiple “?” wildcards and only one * wildcard: C:/?Log?/*.logs Limitation: If an entire directory is excluded, the directory name itself will still appear in the backup; however its contents will be empty. |
Advanced tab |
Use this tab to specify advanced options. See these rows below for details: Advanced Exclusions, Command to run Pre-Backup, and Command to run Post-Backup. Example: |
Check one or more boxes to exclude any of the following: system state, temporary files, read-only mounts, network mounts, or all mounts. Consider the following before applying advanced exclusions: ● To perform bare metal recovery or use Windows replicas, the following must be included in the backup: system state and all boot and critical system (OS) disks/volumes. If you need these features for the asset, do not specify data to include or exclude unless you are sure these disks/volumes will be included. ● If you are running a full backup and have selected files or folders in the system drive (typically C:) on the Inclusion tab, do not check the System State box on the Advanced tab. Full backups fail if system state is excluded. ● Creating aliases for an asset - Adhere to the following when creating aliases for an asset: ● You must include the system state on the asset whose backups contain the boot and critical OS volumes. ● You must exclude the system state on the other aliased assets. This approach ensures you can perform bare metal recovery of the asset. ● Only one asset can include the system state. Disaster recovery of the asset fails if the system state is not included with the boot and OS volume or if the system state is included on aliased assets that do not include the boot and OS volume. IMPORTANT For Windows assets, the backup must contain the system state, boot disk and any other system critical volumes to use the integrated bare metal recovery and Windows replica features. Be sure one of the aliased assets contains all of these disks to use these features. |
To run a command or script on the asset before a scheduled backup starts, enter the full path to the command or script in the Command to run Pre-Backup field. For example, C:\Data\script.bat or /usr/jsmith/ NOTE Pre-backup commands are used for scheduled jobs only. These commands are not applied to on-demand jobs (jobs run by selecting the Now option). |
To run a command or script on the asset after a scheduled backup completes, enter the full path to the command or script in the Command to run Post-Backup field. For example, C:\Data\script.bat or /usr/jsmith/ NOTE Post-backup commands are used for scheduled jobs only. These commands are not applied to on-demand jobs (jobs run by selecting the Now option). |
6. Click Next.
7. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
8. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK to close the Success message.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create backup schedules. If you need more granularity, you can opt to use the Custom backup mode.
After adding assets to the backup job, the Define Job Settings step displays. To use the Custom backup mode:
1. Select Custom in the Select the backup mode list.
2. Click the calendar icon.
3. In the Calendar dialog, select a backup mode in the Backups area and drag it to a day on the calendar. (You cannot drag to a day in the past.)
4. In the Add Backup dialog, modify settings and click Save.
5. Repeat these steps to add other modes to the calendar.
6. Click Save to save the settings and close the Calendar dialog.
7. Click Save to save the schedule.
● An image-level asset can be assigned to one or more manually created backup schedules and/or to one SLA policy.
● You can opt to use the application aware feature when running image-level backups. To use this feature, , check these boxes on the Edit Assets page before running the backup: Show Image Level Backup Settings and Allow application aware. For details, see To edit an agent-based asset. For more on protecting hosted applications with image-level backups, see Windows Image-level Backups Overview.
● Beginning in release 10.4.8, you have the option to index Windows image-level backups so you can quickly search for and recover individual files. To index an asset's image-level backups, check these boxes on the Edit Assets page before running the backup: Show Image Level Backup Settings and Index Image-Level Backups. For details, see To edit an agent-based asset.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select Image Level in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand assets and check boxes to select the image-level assets you want to protect. Selected assets display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
● Windows assets running agent version 10.3 or higher can be selected in the list. Other assets are disabled.
● To locate an asset by name, use the Search field below.
NOTE If image-level protection is not supported for an asset in the job, the appliance runs a file-level backup instead.
4. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to apply options, such as volumes to include or exclude and commands to run pre- and/or post-backup: locate the asset in the list and click Edit, modify settings, then click Save to retain any changes.
● Critical system volumes are required for the image-level replicas feature and to recover the entire asset . Use care when omitting volumes from backup.
● When you recover the entire asset, any existing data on the target is overwritten or deleted. Volumes on the target disk that were excluded from backup may also be overwritten. For details, see Windows unified bare metal recovery.
● To recover a SQL server, the master, model, and msdb system databases must be present in the image-level backup of the Windows asset. (These are included by default. If you want the recovered asset to include a hosted SQL application, use care not to exclude these system databases from the image-level backup.)
● Image-level protection is not supported for read-only disks. You must exclude all volumes on read-only disks from the backup job or run file-level backups. Image-level backups fail if read-only volumes have not been excluded.
● Removable media is automatically excluded from image-level backups. (You do not need to exclude volumes on a read-only disk that resides on removable media.)
See the following for details:
Image-level setting |
Description |
General considerations |
Review the following before specifying volumes to include or exclude: ● When creating a schedule, any inclusions or exclusions you add are applied to jobs run by that schedule only. Inclusions and exclusions are not applied automatically in other cases. ● Running an on-demand backup of the asset does not automatically apply any inclusions or exclusions specified in the asset's schedule. To run an on-demand backup, do one of the following: ● Create a one-time job that has the same inclusions and exclusions as in the schedule. ● Manually run the schedule (select the schedule under Jobs > Job Manager and click Run). |
Inclusion tab |
Click to specify volumes to include in backups of this asset. ● Any volumes that you do not select here are NOT included in the backup. ● Type in the volume (e.g., C:/) or Browse the asset to select volumes to include. ● Run a new full backup upon creating or modifying included volumes. |
Inclusion example: |
Exclusion tab |
Click to specify volumes to exclude from backups of this asset. ● Any volumes that you do not select here are included in the backup. ● Type in the volume (e.g., C:/) or Browse the asset to select volumes to exclude. ● Run a new full backup upon creating or modifying excluded volumes. |
Exclusion example: |
Advanced tab |
Use this tab to specify commands to run before or after the backup job. (Advanced Exclusion options are not supported for image-level backups.) See these rows below for details: Command to run Pre-Backup and Command to run Post-Backup. Example: |
For image-level backup schedules, you cannot enter command syntax as you would inside the Windows Command Prompt. Instead, you must use this format: For example: cmd /C "mkdir C:\folder" To run a command or script on the asset before a scheduled backup starts, enter the command in the Command to run Pre-Backup field. NOTE Pre-backup commands are used for scheduled jobs only. These commands are not applied to on-demand jobs (jobs run by selecting the Now option). |
For image-level backup schedules, you cannot enter command syntax as you would inside the Windows Command Prompt. Instead, you must use this format: For example: cmd /C "mkdir C:\folder" To run a command or script on the asset after a scheduled backup completes, enter the command in the Command to run Post-Backup field. NOTE Post-backup commands are used for scheduled jobs only. These commands are not applied to on-demand jobs (jobs run by selecting the Now option). |
5. Click Next.
6. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
7. Set remaining Job Details and Options, then click Save:
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
8. Click OK to close the Success message.
● A VMware asset can be assigned either to one manually created backup schedule or to one SLA policy (to ensure that the VM exists in only one backup schedule).
● To access newly added virtual machines, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select VMware in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the virtual host and check boxes to select virtual machines to protect. Selected VMs display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
● To locate an asset by name, use the Search field below.
● To view individual VMs, expand the virtual host and any vApps and resource pools.
● To quickly select multiple VMs, click a virtual host, vApp, or resource pool checkbox.
● To select one VM, click its checkbox.
4. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new VMs box to automatically add newly discovered VMs to the schedule.
5. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to exclude VM disks from backup:
● Locate the VM in the Job Inventory Settings list.
● Click Edit to specify disks to exclude.
● Click Save to retain any changes.
NOTE Critical system volumes are required to recover the entire virtual machine. Use care when omitting disks from backup.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
8. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK to close the Success message.
If you have a large virtual environment, creating filters for your backup schedules greatly reduces the overhead of adding VMs to your schedules and modifying schedules as your VM inventory changes. Filtered schedules automatically adjust to protect virtual machines that are created or deleted in your VMware environment. Once a VM is deleted from the hypervisor, it is automatically removed from the schedule. Any new VM that meets the filter criteria is automatically added to the schedule.
NOTE Beginning in release 10.1, filtered schedules are updated each hour. This enhancement yields better performance, especially in environments with large numbers of VMs. If you are running backups at a greater frequency, any backup failures caused by the schedule not yet detecting a deleted VM can be ignored. Any run that does not back up a newly added VM can be ignored. The condition will resolve itself within an hour.
A filter consists of the following elements:
● A name that defines the VMware container type that will be searched. For example, ESX Servers, vApps, or VM DisplayName.
● A filter string that is the text that the filter searches for.
● An action that is applied to the container list and filter string to create the list of VMs to include in the schedule. For example, Equal, Contains, or Starts With.
Consider the following when working with filters:
● Filters are supported only for VMware backup schedules. Filters cannot be used for one-time backups.
● Filter combinations must be unique to a single schedule.
● Filters are logical “and” statements; “or” statements are not supported.
● A VMware asset can be assigned either to one manually created backup schedule or to one SLA policy (to ensure that the VM exists in only one backup schedule).
● To access newly added virtual machines, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
Use this procedure to create a schedule by using a regular expression filter:
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select VMware in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. Click to select a virtual host in the Inventory tree.
4. Click the filter icon below the Inventory tree.
5. Add the filter:
● In the Enter name list, select a VMware container type.
● In the Enter action list, select an action.
● In the Filter field, enter a text string.
● Click the checkmark to apply.
NOTE Filter actions for resource pools, vApps, and folders apply to all containers that meet the filter criteria and to any sub-containers. For example, the filter Resource Pools Equal Nested Resource Pools would apply to all VMs in these resource pools: Nested Resource Pools, Number1, Another Resource Pool, Number 2 and Number 3.
6. (Optional) Add more filters as needed to narrow the VM list.
7. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to exclude VM disks from backup:
● Locate the VM in the Job Inventory Settings list.
● Click Edit to specify disks to exclude.
● Click Save to retain any changes.
NOTE Critical system volumes are required to recover the entire virtual machine. Use care when omitting disks from backup.
8. Click Next.
9. Enter a unique Job Name and select Create a Schedule.
10. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
11. Click Save.
● A Hyper-V asset can be assigned either to one manually created backup schedule or to one SLA policy (to ensure that the VM exists in only one backup schedule).
● To access newly added virtual machines, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select Hyper-V in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the Hyper-V server and application, then check boxes to select virtual machines to protect. Selected VMs display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
● To locate an asset by name, use the Search field below.
● To view individual VMs, expand the Hyper-V server and application.
● To quickly select all hosted VMs, click an application checkbox.
● To select one VM, click its checkbox.
4. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new VMs box to automatically add newly discovered VMs to the schedule.
5. Click Next.
6. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
7. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
8. Click Save.
9. Click OK to close the Success message.
● An AHV asset can be assigned either to one manually created backup schedule or to one SLA policy (to ensure that the VM exists in only one backup schedule).
● To access newly added virtual machines, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select Nutanix AHV in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the AHV host cluster, then check boxes to select virtual machines to protect. Selected VMs display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
● To locate an asset by name, use the Search field below.
● To view individual VMs, expand the AHV host.
● To quickly select all hosted VMs, click the host checkbox.
● To select one VM, click its checkbox.
4. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to exclude VM disks from backup:
● Locate the VM in the Job Inventory Settings list.
● Click Edit to specify disks to exclude.
● Click Save to retain any changes.
NOTE Critical system volumes are required to recover the entire virtual machine. Use care when omitting disks from backup.
5. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new VMs box to automatically add newly discovered VMs to the schedule.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
8. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK to close the Success message.
● A XenServer asset can be assigned to one backup schedule only.
● To access newly added virtual machines, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select XenServer in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the virtual host and check boxes to select virtual machines to protect. Selected VMs display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
To locate the asset by name, use the Search field below.
4. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to exclude VM disks from backup:
● Locate the VM in the Job Inventory Settings list.
● Click Edit to specify disks to exclude.
● Click Save to retain any changes.
NOTE Critical system volumes are required to recover the entire virtual machine. Use care when omitting disks from backup.
5. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new VMs box to automatically add newly discovered VMs to the schedule.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
8. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK to close the Success message.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select NAS in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, check boxes to select the NAS assets to protect. Selected assets display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
To locate the asset by name, use the Search field below.
4. (Optional) Edit Job Inventory Settings to specify directories to include or exclude: locate the asset in the list and click Edit, modify settings, then click Save to retain any changes.
File-level setting |
Description |
General considerations for including or excluding data from a NAS asset's backups |
Review the following before specifying data to include or exclude: ● When creating a schedule, any inclusions or exclusions you add are applied to jobs run by that schedule only. Inclusions and exclusions are not applied automatically in other cases. ● Running an on-demand backup of the asset does not automatically apply any inclusions or exclusions specified in the asset's schedule. To run an on-demand backup, do one of the following: ● Create a one-time job that has the same inclusions and exclusions as in the schedule. ● Manually run the schedule (select the schedule under Jobs > Job Manager and click Run). ● Run a one-time Selective backup (so that a new full is not created). ● If you specify both files to include and files to exclude, the inclusion is applied first. Any exclusions are then applied to the subset of included files. |
Inclusion tab |
Click to specify files to include in backups of this asset. ● Data that does not meet the criteria you specify here is NOT included in the backup. ● Type in the full path (e.g., @@@:/mnt/nas/directory) or Browse the asset to specify folders to include. (Wildcards are not supported.) ● Run a new full backup upon creating or modifying included files. Example: |
Exclusion tab |
Click to specify files or folders to exclude from backups of this asset. ● Data that does not meet the criteria you specify here IS included in the backup. ● To specify files to exclude, do any of the following: ● Type in the full path (e.g., @@@:/mnt/nas/directory). ● Browse the asset. ● Enter a selection pattern. Wildcards are supported. See these rows below for usage examples: Wildcard * usage, Wildcard ? usage, and Multiple wildcards. ● Run a new full backup upon creating or modifying excluded files. Example: |
An example of how to exclude all files with zero or more characters that match exclusion pattern: *.txt An example of how to exclude directories with zero or more characters and their contents within a specified path that match the exclusion pattern: @@@:/mnt/nas/account* Limitations: ● *folder_abc cannot be used to exclude all folders that match folder_abc on the protected asset. The full path must be provided. ● If an entire directory is excluded, the directory name will still appear in the backup; however, its contents will be empty. ● Multiple wildcard matches like the following are not supported: @@@:/mnt/nas/*/*/abc.txt |
An example of how to exclude all files within specified path that matches a single character within exclusion pattern: @@@:/mnt/nas/Lists.dir/pro_client?.spr An example of how to exclude all directories and their contents within specified path that matches a single character within exclusion pattern: @@@:/mnt/nas/Lists.dir/Case?/ Limitation: If an entire directory is excluded, the directory name itself will still appear in the backup; however its contents will be empty. |
An example that uses multiple “?” wildcards and only one * wildcard: @@@:/mnt/nas/?Log?/*.logs Limitation: If an entire directory is excluded, the directory name itself will still appear in the backup; however its contents will be empty. |
5. Click Next.
6. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
7. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
8. Click Save.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select NDMP in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the desired NAS asset and check boxes to select volumes to protect. Selected volumes display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
To locate the asset by name, use the Search field below.
4. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new volumes box to add any newly discovered volumes to the schedule.
5. Click Next.
6. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you are creating a schedule, enter a unique job name.
7. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
8. Click Save.
9. Click OK to close the Success message.
● Each selected volume is backed up in a separate job.
● If you created a schedule, jobs are queued at the times you specified and run as NDMP connections become available.
● If you chose Now, jobs are queued immediately and run as NDMP connections become available. Click Active Jobs to view running jobs.
To access newly added databases or storage groups, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select Exchange in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the Exchange server and check boxes to select databases or storage groups to protect.
To locate the asset by name, use the Search field below.
4. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new databases box to automatically add newly discovered databases to the schedule.
5. Click Next.
6. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
7. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
8. Click Save.
9. Click OK to close the Success message.
To access newly added databases, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select Oracle in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the Oracle server and check boxes to select databases to protect.
To locate the asset by name, use the Search field below.
NOTE If a Samba client is not installed, no databases show as available for backup. The Oracle Dependency from the latest agent release must be installed to protect Oracle data (download from
4. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new databases box to automatically add newly discovered databases to the schedule.
5. Click Next.
6. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
7. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
NOTE For Oracle on Linux. If you are running an incremental forever schedule, you must also exclude Oracle database directories from journal tracking. See Oracle Database: Incremental Forever Schedules on Linux Platforms for details.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
8. Click Save.
9. Click OK to close the Success message.
This procedure assumes that you have added to the appliance each SQL asset you wish to protect.
NOTE Because clustered instances and availability groups can move between server nodes, you must add them as separate assets. If you have a clustered SQL environment and have not added these assets, see Protecting SQL clusters and availability groups for instructions.
In the Create Backup Job dialog, each SQL instance or availability group displays under its host asset:
● For SQL server assets, hosted non-clustered instances display.
● For SQL cluster assets, the clustered database instance displays.
● For availability group assets, the availability group displays.
● You expand the asset to view and select hosted instances, availability groups, and/or databases to protect.
● To check the SQL asset type, hover over the asset. SQL Cluster displays for clustered instance assets, SQL Availability Group displays for availability group assets.
To access newly added databases, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select SQL in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the SQL host and check boxes to select databases to protect. Selected databases display in the Job Inventory Settings area.
● To locate an asset by name, use the Search field below.
● To view individual databases, expand the SQL host and any instances and availability groups.
● To quickly select multiple databases, click an instance or availability group checkbox.
● To select one database, click its checkbox.
4. (Optional) Repeat step 3. to include databases on other host assets.
5. (Optional) Check the Auto-include new databases box to automatically add newly discovered databases to the schedule.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
8. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK to close the Success message.
To access a newly installed or newly started SharePoint farm, sync inventory before creating your job by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right of the UI and selecting Inventory Sync.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select SharePoint in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, expand the SharePoint server and check the box to select the farm to protect.
To locate the asset by name, use the Search field below.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
6. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
7. Click Save.
8. Click OK to close the Success message.
1. Select Jobs > Active Jobs > Create Job > Backup.
2. Select Cisco UCS in the What do you want to backup? list.
3. In the Inventory tree, click to select the UCS asset.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Now or Create a Schedule to specify when you want this job to run. If you create a schedule, enter a unique job name.
6. Set remaining Job Details and Options.
In most cases, the standard backup modes can be used to create the schedule. If you need more granularity, you can choose the Custom mode to create a custom backup calendar. For details, see Using the Custom backup mode in the Create Backup Job dialog.
7. Click Save.
8. Click OK to close the success message.