You are here: Replication > Replication setup > Standard replication setup

Standard replication setup

This section provides a high-level overview of the steps required to set up standard replication between a backup system and replication system. These procedures refer to the backup system as the source and replication system as the target. Replication setup requires you to access the Replication Wizard in both the source and target systems. This guide divides the replication setup into several parts that minimize the need for switching between the source and the target systems.

Before beginning the setup process, perform the following:

1 See Replication requirements to verify that all requirements have been met for the source and target systems.
2 Make sure you know the hostname and IP address for both the source and target systems. To view a system’s hostname in the Administrator Interface, select Settings > Clients, Networking, and Notifications > Networks > Hostname.
3 Make sure the IP addresses and ports in use on your network will not conflict with the default settings for the secure tunnel that you will create for optimized, secure communication between the source and target systems. The secure tunnel uses the following settings:
Secure Tunnel IP:
Port: 1194

If the network settings conflict with your environment, you can change them when creating the secure tunnel as part of the setup process.

Important!   Do not use this procedure for systems running version 7.0 or 7.1.x. Upgrade to the latest release or, if this is not possible, configure replication as described in KB 3174. Do not use this procedure for source systems that are configured for legacy vaulting. If your system is vaulting data, see Upgrading from legacy vaulting to replication.

To set up standard replication between a source and target

A high-level overview of the standard replication setup process is given here. Proceed to the sections that follow for detailed procedures associated with each high-level step.

Note:   Use the Replication Wizard for easy setup. If you are familiar with setting up replication from the WAN Settings or Secure Tunnel settings page, this is still supported. For details on using these pages, see KB 3174

Step 1: Configure encryption on the replication target
Step 2: (Optional) Add a logical device to associate with a source system
Step 3: Configure the source system role and grant privilege to the target for remote management
Step 4: Configure the target system role and create a secure tunnel
Step 5: Configure the secure tunnel and add the source system to the target
Step 6: Tune replication attributes on the source system
Step 7: Configure clients and applications for replication