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Virtualization Protector requirements

The following requirements must be met to protect VMware environments:




The ESX or ESXi server must be a licensed version listed in the Unitrends Compatibility and Interoperability Matrix.


Host-level backups of ESX 4.x environments are no longer supported. For details, see
KB 3703.
Host-level snapshots are not supported with free versions of ESXi. To protect VMs in a free ESXi environment, run backups with the Unitrends agent.
VMs can be restored to the original ESXi server or to another ESXi server running the same version or a higher ESXi version .
ESXi 6.5 is supported on 64-bit Unitrends appliances only. If you are using a 32-bit Unitrends appliance, you cannot protect or recover VMs hosted on ESXi 6.5. Do not upgrade any host ESX servers to version 6.5 that you are protecting with a 32-bit appliance.
If you have a 6.5 vCenter that is managing earlier ESX server versions, you can add the 6.5 vCenter to the 32-bit appliance to protect the VMs hosted on those ESX servers. (Any VMs hosted on ESXi 6.5 do not display in the UI.)


Must be a licensed version listed in the Unitrends Compatibility and Interoperability Matrix.
For vSphere 6.5:
The appliance must be running Unitrends version 9.1.1 or later.
The vCenter must not be configured to use the Server High Availability feature. High Availability is not supported.
Hosted VMs must not be configured to use VM encryption. The VM encryption feature is not supported.
For vSphere 6, the appliance must be running Unitrends version 8.2 or later.

vCenter or ESX(i) account privileges

An account with full administrative privileges is required. The user or group must have the role administrator. You supply these credentials when adding the vCenter or ESX server to the backup system.

Virtual machine configuration

Verify the following VM configuration settings:

VM hardware versions 4, 7, 8, 9,10, and 11 are supported.


On vSphere 6 and 6.5. Additional restrictions apply to vSphere environments. For details, see vSphere 6 requirements and limitations or vSphere 6.5 requirements and limitations.
On vSphere 5.5 and older Unitrends versions. VMware introduced new SATA Virtual Hardware Controllers with vSphere 5.5 and VM Hardware Version 10. You must be running Unitrends version 7.4 or higher to protect these. Older Unitrends versions do not recognize these controllers. See KB 1102 for details on selecting the correct controller when creating new VMs in version 5.5.
To protect VMware clustered environments, make sure the vCenter is registered to your Unitrends appliance. See To create a VMware backup schedule.
VMs configured in a cluster setup with a fault tolerant disk are not supported.
Dynamic MAC addresses are not supported. Verify that MAC addresses are not set to dynamic.
Independent and pass-through disks are not supported and will be automatically excluded from any vProtect backups. If data on these disks needs to be protected, install the agent in the guest operating system and add the VM to the backup system as you would a physical machine.
Virtual-mode raw device mapped disks can be protected. See Raw device mapped disk limitations for details.
VMware tools must be installed in the guest operating system to ensure file system and application consistency.
Sparse disks are not supported and may cause backup errors. This can happen when converting virtual hard drives from VHD to VMDK format. See KB 3057 for details and resolution.

Unitrends system requirements

The instant recovery feature for VMware is only supported on 64-bit CentOS 5 or later Unitrends systems running version 6.2.0 or newer. See About > System Information for the current version.