You are here: Windows Instant Recovery > Troubleshooting Windows instant recovery > Restores for the virtual failover client on an external hypervisor are not running > Virtual restores are not enabled for the virtual failover client

Virtual restores are not enabled for the virtual failover client

To determine whether virtual restores are enabled, view the virtual failover client (VFC) details in the managing Unitrends appliance by selecting Settings > Instant Recovery > Windows. If restores are enabled, a yellow light bulb displays in the Enabled column. If the light bulb is dark, restores are not enabled.

You can enable restores using the procedure described below:

To enable virtual restores for a virtual failover client

1 Log in the Unitrends appliance managing the VFC, and select Settings > Instant Recovery > Windows.
2 Click the line of the VFC you want to modify. You see the Modify Virtual Failover Client window.
3 Check the box next to Enable virtual restores to the failover client.
4 Click Confirm.

Backups that completed while restores were disabled are now restored to the VFC.